Happy, confident you; how self-care can transform your life
Can you remember the last time you had some well-deserved ‘me time’? Vivian Kelly on the importance of self-care.
Our busy lives can often take their toll on our happiness levels, but with just a few small changes, you can transform the way you look and feel for the better.
Self-care is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle and can significantly influence how you feel. Research has found that only 10% of our happiness is controlled by our external circumstances, while 90% is based on our inner environment; 50% is hereditary and 40% due to the choices we make.
So, why not try the self-care tips below to start to look and feel good every day? After all, the happier you are the more confident, sexy and approachable you’ll become.
Here are 8 ways to get started:
1. Give yourself a DIY manicure
Perfectly preened nails are a good indication of how well you take care of yourself. A good file, buff, and a slather of cuticle oil are all you need to get your nails looking fresh.
2. Run a warm bath
Enjoying a warm soak every now and then brings a whole host of health benefits. Better blood circulation and relaxed muscles are just two of the positive effects, but just floating into a warm bubble bath is a great way to unwind and enjoy some quality ‘me time’.
3. Get a massage
We all need some time out to destress and what better way to do that than a full body massage? If you’re feeling tired or weak, go for a 30 minute massage and feel your worries melt away. There’s no better sensation.
4. Get a haircut
They say that happiness is getting your hair done, and while this might not be scientifically proven, it does ring true. Try a new cut or experiment with your hair colour to shake things up. Change can be a powerful thing.
5. Take care of your smile
Smiling makes you more attractive: fact. So why not let your smile shine? Using an at-home whitening kit, or paying a quick visit to the dentist will make your smile brighter and help you feel more confident in your smile. Additionally, a recent study by Oral B found that a great set of teeth can knock 5 years off your age and make you 20% more attractive!
6. Upgrade your beauty stash
Taking care of your skin is a sure-fire way to keep it looking clear and healthy. While stress and environmental factors can exacerbate acne and blemishes, these, in turn, can contribute towards low self-esteem and depression. Switch up your cleanser or moisturizer to reap the benefits of a new, innovative product.
7. Get your beauty sleep
Your body needs between 7 and 8 hours of sleep every night; without that, you might be left feeling groggy and irritable. If you’re feeling run down, sneak in a 20 minute nap or try to go to bed a little earlier. An extra half an hour can make all the difference to how you’ll look and feel come the next morning.
8. Give aromatherapy a try
Never underestimate the power of essential oils. Different scents can reduce stress and depression and boost energy levels. Simply dab a few drops in the bath or invest in an aromatherapy oil diffuser. Not only will you be able to sleep better but your mood will be elevated too.